5.5.24 Joey Weller

May 5, 2024    Joey Weller

Our upbringing shapes our worldview. If God is the ultimate designer of the universe and made us in his own image, what does that say about how he made us? How does that affect the way we see the world? 🌍

You were created with a mind to think, create, and love. You were created with intention and purpose. You are not unseen. 👀

Why did God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden? Because love requires a choice. 🌳❤️

To sin means "we missed the mark." It doesn't mean we're unforgiven, unloved, or unseen. It means we have an opportunity to learn from our choices. ✨

Verses to ponder this week:

Genesis 1

Genesis 2:7-9

Genesis 3:15

Revelation 21:1-5