2.23.25 Cody Knight
Bible people didn’t have it easy—far from it. After King David died, Israel was a mess. King Ahab? The worst. He ditched God for Baal, but it didn’t happen overnight—it was a slow fade over generations.
Then there’s Elijah. God sent a drought, told him to camp by a brook, and ravens 🐦 brought him food. Crazy, right? But even with God providing, Elijah still had to wait 3.5 years for rain. ☀️🌵
Waiting is tough. We live in a “microwave culture” 🍽️ where we want everything now. When it takes too long, we try to handle it ourselves—and that’s when we mess it up.
Sometimes, waiting isn’t about faith or obedience. It’s just part of God’s plan. And in the waiting, we forget the blessings right in front of us. 💙
Stay patient. Stay willing. Stay active.
Your testimony is in the waiting. 🙌⏳
Verses to ponder this week:
1 Kings 17
James 5:18